The Issue
The main threat to the Accord Healthcare comes from the theft of intellectual property with potential substantial losses coming as a result of illegal counterfeiting. The company places a strong emphasis on protecting the valuable research and development facility (57k square ft) against criminal activity and corporate espionage.  Accord Healthcare is a global distributor of generic pharmaceutical products and is a key part of the critical health care provision across the World. They have the largest manufacturer-owned warehousing and distribution centre in the UK and their extensive supply chain comes with malicious and non-malicious risks with potential product theft coming from both internal and external sources. Health and safety of the employees and visitors is also a key consideration for the company with hazardous environments containing flammable, combustible and biological materials stored and utilised within the production facility. 

The Solution
Our partnership with Accord Healthcare has evolved over several years which initially started with PWG providing vehicle escorting and an independent witness destruction service. Following on from the delivery of the above services, PWG we’re successfully appointed by Accord Healthcare to be their chosen security provider to deliver them with 24/7 cover 365 days a year, offering full site protection across the UK. Our services include gatehouse duties to manage the access control of visitors, contractors and employees whilst undertaking vehicle and body / bag search checks for prohibited items. The gatehouse team monitor the CCTV systems and provide mobile and foot perimeter patrols. The security officers also provide critical incident emergency response, first aid and first response. Internally, we provide concierge services and are entrusted to escort contractors on site to their designated hosts. We provide the key point protection for sensitive areas and provide regular security risk assessments via penetration tests undertaken.

The Result
The layered security systems and teams act as a visible deterrent and protects Accord Healthcare from potential internal and external threats. This enables business resilience and continuity whilst providing reassurance for employees and visitors alike.