The Issue
PA housing own and manage a large residential development which includes extra care provisions, with a number of residents that require personal assistance. During routine property inspections certain building issues, we’re identified which resulted in a change of policy from a ‘stay put’ to a ‘full building evacuation’ process.

The Solution
To aid PA Housing in implementing this change in policy, we now provide them with a dedicated fire warden service with the prime objective of patrolling the building periodically throughout the day and night. The fire wardens will identify potential fire risks and react accordingly as well as responding to any fire alarms (if safe to do so) to ascertain if there is any presence of fire. In response to fire being present the wardens will then implement the fire evacuation plan and provide necessary assistance to all building occupiers. 

The Result
Our friendly team of fire wardens provide a calm, reassuring low-key presence to staff, visitors and residents alike. Proactively responding to all threats and raised alarms to ensure resident safety whilst the remedial works is being undertaken. The PWG wardens have also gone above and beyond by providing additional support on various incidents for the client outside the scope of works.